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#Tutorial [Fancafe - ENG]

Dernière mise à jour : 14 avr. 2018

MAS Official Fancafe - Tutorial

Hello! Some LOVERs were interested in a tutorial on how to use MAS' Fancafe, so here it is^^ I tried to cover all of the most important things, but if you think some parts would need more explanations  or details, don't hesitate to ask~  < Log in the Fancafe > This is the very first thing you need to do.  Go to MAS Official Fancafe : x. 1. You need to click on the 로긴 icon on the upper right.

2. Another page will open and you will have two options: log in using either your Daum ID or your Kakao ID. You just have to fill in the blanks like in the picture below, and that's it!

If you don't have a Daum account nor a Kakao account, there are already really good tutorials on how to register for it, so I will just link two bellow: - Daum - Kakao < Navigate on the Fancafe > Now that we have successfully log in the Fancafe, we'll focus on what you can see on the center first

This part is like a summary of what was last posted in specific sections of the Fancafe. 1. "Information about the Fancafe": written by the Fancafe's administrators, is about the Fancafe's updates, new rules. 2. "Notices": also written by the Fancafe's administrators, it's the full list of all the official notices. 3. "Daily Roll Call": a shortcut of the place where you can show that you log in daily. 4. "Support MAS": a shortcut of the place where you can write a short sentence of support to MAS. Now, let's focus on the left column!

< Information >

1. When the word 카페정보 is highlighted, this box shows the Fancafe information. By clicking on the small pink box, you can find a list of all the Daum Fancafes. Just under, you can see the profile picture of the Fancafe. The small box with a newborn chick shows MAS Fancafe ranking. There is various categories and levels, as you can see on the picture below:

(This picture can be found by clicking on the underlined word 프로필, where you can find MAS' Fancafe full profile. Most of it are technical details so I won't translate it now. But if some of you are really interested I will add those details to the tutorial)

Right under, you can see the main information about the Fancafe: the manager (RBW-INC), the Fancafe members (635), the daily visitors (194) and the people who downloaded the Fancafe App for MAS (17). The bigger purple box if for writing something on the Fancafe, without going to one of the specific sections you can find on the column. You can think of it as a shortcut! 2. When the words 내 정보 are highlighted, this box shows your own information. Right under your nickname, is your Fancafe level: - 준회원 is for associate member. - 정회원 is for regular member. (You can see more on how to level up in the < Level Up > section, a little lower)

Under your level, is where you'll see your notifications: - Click on 메일 to check your Daum emails. - Click on 카페 쪽지 to check your personal notes. - Click on 내가 쓴 글 to see all the post you've written. - Click on 내 활동 알림 to check your Fancafe's notifications. < Official Home> You can think of this section as your ways to support MAS:

1. It's all the links to MAS' official SNS accounts (It seems like the links to their Facebook and Instagram accounts haven't been updated yet).2. You can leave a message of support to MAS here.

< Notice > // < MAS Event >

- By clicking on 전체공지, you can see all the official notices.

- By clicking on 스케줄, you can see MAS' official schedules.

- The < MAS Event > section is empty for now, but it should contain the notices of future events.


- 'From. MAS' is the section where MAS' members writes letters to LOVERs. 

- 'MAS Talk' is empty at the moment but I think it should be a section where MAS' members can writes notes.

- 'Dear. MAS' is the section where LOVERs can write letters to MAS' members. To write a letter to MAS, you fist need to click on the box with 글쓰기:

Another page will open, where you can write your letter:

1. By clicking here you can select if you want to send a letter to the whole band, or to one member in particular. You just need to either select: MAS ; 강현 (Kanghyun) ; 동명 (Dongmyeong) ; 용훈 (Yonghoon) ; 키아 (Cya) ; 하린 (Harin). Then, you just need to write your letter.

2. By clicking here you can see how your letter will looks like before actually posting it. 3. You click here to post your letter.

< Friendship >

- '가입인사' is the section where you introduce yourself after log in up to the Fancafe for the first time. To write your introduction, you fist need to click on the box with 글쓰기:

Another page will open, where you can write your introduction:

1. By clicking here you can see how your introduction will looks like before actually posting it. 2. You click here to post your introduction. - '매일출첵' is the section where you can leave a proof of your daily login.

1. You just need to leave the words 출첵 or ㅊㅊ ("Roll Call") and post it.

- '마스동산' is the section where LOVERs can communicate with each other. To write a post, you fist need to click on the box with 글쓰기:

(The theme of the Fancafe changed as I was doing this tutorial, so the screenshots will look different from this point on^^')

Another page will open, where you can write your post:

1. By clicking here you can see how your post will looks like before actually posting it. 2. You click here to post your post. - 'foreigner' is the section that seems to be reserved to international fans. It seems like it was the old 'event' section and hasn't been updated yet. But I assume that it's a section similar to '마스동산', only for international fans/people who wants to ask questions in English. < Official >

- '공식사진' is the section where you can find the official photos. 

- '공식영상' is the section where you can find the official videos.

- '기사정보' is the section where you find articles and interviews about MAS. 

< Unoffocial >

- '회원사진' is the section where fans can post the photos they have taken of MAS, during a show or event. - '회원영음' is the section where fans can post the videos they have taken of MAS, during a show or event. - '자유이벵' is the section where fans can post about an event they're going to. I assume it's for sharing information about future events, between fans. - '모니터링' is the section where fans can post about a broadcast, a recording or a show, after it has ended. < LEVEL UP >

- '등업신청' is the section where you submit your level up application.

1. You will have to write your application here. 2. It's the condition you have to meet before sending your application and the way you have to write it. To see more on that, you can read the 'Level Up Application' part on another post here: x. 3. Before posting your application, you have to make sure it will only be visible by the administrators. To do that, you have to click on the small lock, for it to go from unlock to locked. - '등업리턴' is the section where your application will be returned if something in it was wrong. The administrators leave a comment saying what you did wrong, and you have to send another application. - '등업완료' is the section where your application will be moved in if you success in leveling up. - '질문답변' is the section where you ask questions about the level up process. The administrators are supposed to answer you (but I'm not sure they do;;). Well, that's all! I didn't talk about everything but I think it's enough to be comfortable in using the Fancafe. I hope it can help you communicate a bit more with MAS and other LOVERs^^ Thank you for reading~💜


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